Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Television is crap here - but then the b*stards go and launch new telly channels (just in time to mess up hang-over recovery days)!

Sunday and last night I was to have an early night. I was to do this because living in England as I do, I spent the weekend celebrating what is known as "the birthday weekend" of a friend of mine who just turned 30. Two extravagant nights of boozing where you don't even manage the feeble "never again" at the end!!!

For our first night out we had Italian at a restaurant where it was like having dinner in a wood paneled garage (wood paneled should be obvious - garage because I have never seen so much Ferrari kit anywhere BUT a garage before!) being served by an Italian version of Manuel of Fawlty Towers fame: but with John Clease's sarcastic humour:
"Can I have another bottle of Val Pol please"
"Last bottle, but I bring you something nice..."

Then on we went over the lovely Welsh Bridge (I think...) to have a drink - gins and tonics and not an "a drink" in sight...Next morning and one gallon of tea later...

Night two was more of the same except less food, more shots and mojitos being had by the gallon...

So Sunday after driving back down from picturesque Shrewsbury (and snoozing in the car to the extreme discomfort of my neck) we arrived home to take up the fetal position on the couch...And bloody telly was unpredictably good! So we watched the Godfather...And then bloody telly last night...GOOD AGAIN: Shawshank Redemption...What next...Cancellation of Big Brother!? Actual return of good comedy to British telly...Tonight will have to be an early night - I need to recover from my shock!!!! Although The Green Mile is on...So I will have to see... :::muttering::: evil sleep depriving b*stards at Film Four!!

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